Welcome To Reg Harbeck's Meta-Bytes!
Being someone who enjoys inspiring simplicty, I've had a tendancy to
try my hand at strategic simplifications of how things work. I also
enjoy employing humour in my approach to grasping the universe.
Since I'm not the only person who seems to like such bite-sized ideas, I
decided I should share them. Here they are!
(Last updated 2011-01-26.)
- Consistency and pain are brothers; serendipity and pleasure are sisters.
- A tent is defined by its supports.
- Practice constructive cynicism: admit that, no, the world doesn't
behave the way it "should". Then go and interact with the way it "does"
behave to produce positive results, anyway!
- Where appearances are the basic system, manipulation will be the
basic strategy.
- It's not how much you can accumulate, but how much you're able to share.
- Every action is an interaction. And vice versa.
- There is no such thing in real life as "getting even". Pursuit of it
only makes it more distant. Yet, unconditional releasing of it is most
likely to have a truly even effect. Perhaps we should instead speak of
"Letting Even."
- The essential inter-human moral act is to further free will in
others or oneself.
- The connection between money and true value exists primarily at
moderate levels of both.
- There is no observable difference between a computer program that
appears to work and one that does.
- A win requires the whole world; a loss can be accomplished alone.
- Accidents are the biggest cause of accidents.
- Optimize, specialize, grow roots: same idea.
- Halve your cake and eat it two.
- Laughter lubricates the contact between symbol and reality.
- Everything changes everything.
- Political Correctness is a state of I mind.
- The smaller things are, the faster their relative speed.
The larger they are, the faster their absolute speed.
- Reality is the most effective illusion - when we are given what we
want, but our desire has been incomplete or inaccurate.
- Love should not be give and take, but rather give and receive.
- Talk and action breed themselves and feed each other.
- Winning is more often about "best" and "good enough" than "better".
- Avoid "frugal thinking" -- it doesn' cost to be lavish in thought.
- The more clear-cut and simple, the more likely that something is
subjective/arbitrary; the more fuzzy and difficult, the more likely
that it is objectively true.
- The more accurately I reflect the real world, the more it would
appear to reflect my wishes.
- The truth unites; the arbitrary divides.
- If you're not taking advantage of your situation, chances are that
somebody else is.
- Hope is a sword, not a shield.
- Life is a puzzle where you only connect the pieces that help you
meet your personal objectives.
- The pragmatist says, "I don't see how that will make me a better
- Intelligent people should try to simplify the complex (in
descriptive fashion) rather than complicating the simple (in
prescriptive fashion).
- Hate is a double-edged sword without a handle.
- Strategy is superior to logic as goals are to means.
- Temporary outlasts permanent.
- Realizing that the pervasive noise is language means realizing that
there is a speaker.
- People are more easily pulled than pushed.
- Infatuation is an appetite. Once satisfied, appetites go away.
Caring is an attitude; once satisfied, attitudes are strengthened.
- Morality requires that our actions have a meaning.
- Truth has no need of falsehood, but falsehood is meaningless
without truth.
- An inspiring simplification tends to win against a complex truth.
- We train the subconscious and educate the conscious.
- Experience is a grain of sand, memory is a pearl.
- To succeed, always give more than you expect to get back.
- Most rules are made with the intent of preserving the status quo.
- Education is a photograph of experience.
- Life is an extenuating circumstance.
- It is impossible to pretend to be dishonest.
- Consciousness curves reality like gravity curves space.
- Language is fractal.
- Simplicity has the same importance as the thin edge of a wedge.
Copyright © 2011,
Reg Harbeck,
all rights reserved.
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