Congratulations, Stoney authors!

COFFEE WITH WARREN, with Warren Harbeck
Cochrane Eagle, December 19, 2019

Five authors from Morley, writing in their Stoney Nakoda language, were among 12 Treaty Seven authors whose children’s books were launched at the Calgary Central Library on Dec. 14 in recognition of 2019 as the United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages.

The five authors are:

  1. Tina (Poucette) Fox, on a traditional value she learned from her Grandmother: Wa-ahogipam, “show respect” – a value celebrated by all five authors.
  2. Trent Fox, on the language.
  3. Sheri Shotclose, about a young girl greeting the day and showing respect to her family and the creation.
  4. Natasha Wesley, on the Stoney Nakoda numbering system.
  5. Trudy Wesley, about the Stoney community and animals who call the southern Alberta foothills home.

I’ll let the accompanying photos taken at the event tell more of the story.

For the Calgary Public Library’s description of the event, go to


© 2019 Warren Harbeck

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