Apple blossom time an answer to prayer

COFFEE WITH WARREN, with Warren Harbeck
Cochrane Eagle, May 30, 2024

From bud to blossom in our apple tree on May 25.
Photos by Warren Harbeck

When I went to bed the other evening, I was struggling with ideas for a follow-up column on harmony in Nature’s University. But as I was falling asleep, I just hadn’t been able to get all the pieces together in a positive way – so much disharmony in our world today. I prayed for wisdom and was treated to a lesson in answered prayer.

Seemingly as a distraction, all night long I kept dreaming of our backyard apple tree in various stages of blossoming. The reality was, that when I had last checked on our tree a few days earlier, there was barely a hint of blossoms on the way.

But dreams of apple blossoms kept appearing to me throughout the night. And just as I was waking up, as if in answer to my prayer, the words from an old love song came to mind: “I’ll be seeing you in apple blossom time.”

Well, soon after I got up and finished my shower, I checked on our apple tree. And sure enough, our apple tree was adorned with beautiful buds and blossoms (accompanying photos). Things change so quickly here in Cochrane in the springtime; indeed, you could almost say that spring here is more of an event than a season!

Although the day started out sunny, it wasn’t long before rain took over. Did that discourage the apple blossoms? No way! In fact, from the photo at the upper right, you’ll see that the shower added sparkle to their personality.

Yes, these harbingers of hope blessed me with a positive alternative topic for this week’s column. How could I say no? Enjoy!


© 2024 Warren Harbeck

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