2007 columns
Readers’ quality responses made 2007 a banner year
December 27, 2007
Palliative care worker’s gratitude erases annoying day
December 19, 2007
Contentment and a wonderful day: a Holocaust lesson
December 12, 2007
A wonderful day is a choice even a child can make
December 5, 2007
A hippo and a unicorn exemplify a pen pal friendship
November 28, 2007
Some thoughts on wonderful days and listening hearts
November 21, 2007
Prairie cemetery memories leave lump in the throat
November 14, 2007
Coffee companion reflects on lives engraved on stone
November 7, 2007
Lily Wesley was a champion of culture, environment
October 31, 2007
Morley elder to be paraded proudly around Paradise
October 24, 2007
More food for thought, and some thought for food
October 17, 2007
Leftover turkey is like a year of great coffee chats
October 10, 2007
Hope for a democratic Burma glows on the horizon
October 3, 2007
Big Hill Springs Park is perfect for an autumn stroll
September 26, 2007
Historic Perrenoud Ranche a lightning rod for good
September 19, 2007
Mosaic of unity and trust celebrates Cochrane legacy
September 12, 2007
Landmark Cochrane bookstore vacates old-town site
September 5, 2007
Artist teaches columnist how to fly like a butterfly
August 29, 2007
Refusal to give up reveals beauty of nature and life
August 22, 2007
He’s still up there, one of Mugabe’s victims declared
August 15, 2007
Responding to change with grace increases happiness
August 8, 2007
Some thoughts on embracing change in life’s journey
August 1, 2007
Photographer/priest sees the sacred in the everyday
July 25, 2007
Photography is a way of experiencing life more fully
July 18, 2007
A Calgary Stampede Stoney summertime long remembered
July 11, 2007
Stone by stone, they taught the meaning of friendship
July 4, 2007
Great quotations are like fine wine matured over time
June 27, 2007
Readers say Sabbath is God’s gift of a day to ‘unplug’
June 20, 2007
’007: licence to still – bonding with restorative rest
June 13, 2007
Coffee companion collects quotations for great life
June 6, 2007
The ice cream cone flavour of the week is dandelion
May 30, 2007
‘Nature’s University’ promotes harmony of excellence
May 23, 2007
The unexpected visitor translated words into actions
May 16, 2007
Great mothers, like great gardeners, bring out the best
May 9, 2007
Crocuses notwithstanding, is spring in May ‘backwards’?
May 2, 2007
Springtime in the Bow Valley is well worth the wait
April 25, 2007
To delete, or not to delete: that is a tricky question
April 18, 2007
It’s time once again for some old-fashioned laughter
April 11, 2007
A Good Friday reflection on John Collier’s Crucifix
April 4, 2007
Couple brings forth cool water in life’s wildernesses
March 28, 2007
From concrete and steel to soul: the meaning of church
March 21, 2007
Beloved Morley pastor left legacy of warm friendship
March 14, 2007
Everyone’s life story holds that which lasts forever
March 7, 2007
Lives well lived, like all good stories, should be celebrated
February 28, 2007
Morley photographer kept difficulties in perspective
February 21, 2007
Valentine’s Day evokes its own special kind of words
February 14, 2007
Language abuse ‘like flea in a goblet of finest wine’
February 7, 2007
Words, words, words: the good, the bad, and ‘hopefully’
January 31, 2007
Religious freedom permits ears, hearts to hear silence
January 24, 2007
Winter memories rewarded with cup of hot chocolate
January 17, 2007
Memorable sounds of winters past
January 10, 2007
Dance to the rhythm in our souls
January 3, 2007
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